When I was in the school I used to participate in a ecological group called "comisión ambiental". We were worried about recycling, take care the natural world and eat only vegetables. Many years ago I tried to be vegetarian. But in the time the practice it was abandoned. Now, I think that I am sometimes a green person. Sometimes I do little things like throw cans in recycle bins or avoid the plastic bags. After the parties in the campus It´s amazing to think how many garbage we throws. I think that in the school the environment was one of my mean worries.
Now is different. In my house, me and my dad use specials bags biodegradables. However, I think that this details are harmless for the mundial pollution. The real contamination is related to the big companies and business that damage systematically our natural resources. Anyway, we need incorporated recycling habits that improve our life. I think that use a bicycle is a good method to avoit car pollution. In a bike you can ride long distances and is a confortable activity that get better your humour. I´m conscious that this activities are a little help for the planet, but is necessary. In the future I would like participe in a ecologic group someday and learn to do a vegetable garden. In Melipilla my mother grow some vegetables and plants that we can use for the daily life. In Santiago is more difficult, but I hope do this little things for all my life.